Natural and built environments – the devil is in the details | A complimentary article from the Resource Management Bulletin

08 September 2021 00:47

The exposure draft of the Natural and Built Environments Act 2021 (NBA) that is proposed to repeal and replace the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) was released on 29 June 2021. It’s purpose: The protection and enhancement of the natural environment by upholding Te Oranga o te Taiao and by enabling people and communities to use the environment to support their well-being without compromising the needs of future generations.

In this article, Dr Trevor Daya-Winterbottom, FRGS, Associate Professor in Law, University of Waikato and New Zealand Member, ILA Committee on Sustainable Resource Management, provides an overview of the NBA, together with its environmental limits, national planning framework, implementation principles and preliminary comments on the Bill.

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Part of the Resource Management Collection, the Resource Management Bulletin delivers eight (8) issues of essential articles, rulings and insights on the resource management issues affecting New Zealand. It includes the thinking of law-makers and government agencies, problem areas and future developments in resource management.

Explore the titles in Resource Management Collection available on Lexis Advance®:
- Environmental and Resource Management Law*
- Local Government Law*
- Lexis® Practical Guidance | Resource Management
- New Zealand Resource Management Appeals

*Also available on Lexis Red®